
San Diego County Department of Environmental Health and Quality: Fight the Bite

San Diego County Department of Environmental Health and Quality: Fight the Bite

The “Fight the Bite” campaign aimed at raising awareness about how to protect oneself from West Nile Virus (WNV). Cook + Schmid implemented a comprehensive media and community engagement strategy that included a cohesive brand, educational materials, an interactive children’s website, partnering with boy and girl scouts, a mobile app for reporting mosquito-related hazards, and leveraging social media platforms for health alerts. Partnerships with 2097 community groups helped distribute WNV information. The campaign led to 97% of residents being aware of WNV and 73% of residents being willing to report mosquitos. Additionally, C+S drove a 23% increase in awareness of WNV among Hispanic residents, with 50% of materials distributed in Spanish. Cook + Schmid’s innovative approach helped the County maintain high public awareness and engagement while staying within budget.

97% Awareness of West Nile Virus

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