Cook + Schmid Health Campaign Selected for Presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting


SAN DIEGO Cook + Schmid’s work with the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency to normalize breastfeeding among low-income, minority audiences has been selected for presentation at the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo.

Cook + Schmid used proprietary technology to cost effectively target individuals with messaging related to the value of breastfeeding for child development and to reduce stigma around the practice.

“We faced a significant challenge in reaching specific target audiences within a very defined geographic area with messaging that resonated,” said Cook + Schmid CEO Jon Schmid. “We are very pleased that our ability to overcome this challenge has been recognized by the prestigious APHA for presentation at its annual meeting.”

The Cook + Schmid campaign strategy used both out-of-home billboards and bus shelters, as well as digital outreach. The digital outreach provided key performance indicators, such as click-throughs to an informational website, that demonstrated the high level of engagement generated by the campaign among the target audience.

The campaign exceeded industry benchmarks for digital healthcare campaigns by a factor of 250 percent. The campaign was selected for presentation at the APHA Annual Meeting because it demonstrates the power of targeted digital marketing to reach niche audiences.

The conference presentation, titled “It’s only natural – mother’s love, mother’s milk: A digital geofencing campaign to normalize breastfeeding in the African American community,” will be presented Tuesday, October 27, at 2:30 p.m.

The APHA Annual Meeting and Expo is the largest and most influential yearly gathering of public health professionals, bringing the public health community together to experience robust scientific programming and poster sessions.

The Cook + Schmid campaign ran in San Diego County for a three-month period in 2019.

Cook + Schmid is a full-service marketing, advertising and public relations firm in San Diego, CA. Clients include private and public companies, organizations, institutions, and government agencies. Cook + Schmid offers multi-cultural marketing and public outreach, as well as social media, website, interactive technologies, and mobile application development. For more information, please visit

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