
San Bernardino County At Your Service

San Bernardino County At Your Service

The 2012 San Bernardino County At Your Service campaign aimed to increase public awareness of services provided by San Bernardino County. The San Bernardino County Office of Administrators hired Cook + Schmid to develop an integrated strategy, including the development of a new “At Your Service” brand and outreach tactics to communicate the services and benefits available to residents. The County also contracted with Cook + Schmid to devise a program to educate target audiences about the importance of the 2010 consensus, to drive them to be counted, particularly Hispanic and homeless individuals who were among the least likely to participate. Cook + Schmid designed a variety of materials and partnered with community organizations to increase public awareness of residents. In implementing outreach and marketing strategies, the campaign distributed 240k bilingual resident guides and 86k door hangers promoting the census. Cook + Schmid media relations resulted in 65 traffic radio spots per week, and 969,600 impressions.

+240k Resident Guides

+969,600 Media Impressions

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